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[고전영화] 서편제 Sopyonje (1993)

by 컴박사임 2012. 10. 2.

서편제 Sopyonje (1993)

1960년대초, 어느 산골주막에 30대 남자가 도착한다. 그는 주막여인의 판소리에 회상에 잠긴다. 어린시절, 동네에 소리꾼인 유봉이 찾아온다. 동네아낙인 동호의 어머니와 유봉이 사랑에 빠져 마을을 떠난다. 유봉의 딸 송화와 넷이 살다가 동호의 어머니는 아기를 낳다 죽는다. 유봉은 송화에게 소리를 가르치고, 동호에게는 북치는 법을 가르친다. 그러다가 전쟁으로 인해 생활이 어려워지자 동호는 유봉과 싸우고 떠나버린다. 동호가 떠난 뒤 송화는 소리를 거부하자, 소리의 완성에 집착한 유봉은 송화의 눈을 멀게 만들고 마는데...

It is early 1960s. A man in his thirties arrives at a small tavern in the mountain village. He is lost in memories at the sound of pansori sung by the tavern owner. In his memory, he is young and Yu-bong (Kim Myung-kon), a pansori singer comes to the village. A village woman, Dong-ho's (Kim Kyu-chul) mom, falls in love with Yu-bong and leaves the village with Dong-ho and Yubong. Dong-ho and his mother, Yu-bong and his daughter Song-hwa (Oh Jeong-hae), form a family. But Dong-ho's mom passes away giving birth to a baby. Yu-bong teaches pansori to Song-hwa and drumming to Dong-ho. Then the war breaks out and as it becomes more difficult to live, Dong-ho can't stand the way Yu-bong pushes Song-hwa and him to learn pansori. Eventually, Dong-ho gets into a quarrel with Yu-bong and leaves the town. After Dong-ho leaves, Song-hwa refuses food and drink, just waiting for him to return. Seeing this, Yu-bong makes Song-hwa become blind believing that one can truly learn to sing pansori only when the person has great resentment in life. Dong-ho coincidentally comes across Naksangeosa (Ahn Byung-kyung) and hears what happened to Song-hwa. After a long search for her whereabouts, he finally meets Song-hwa at a groggery. Without any word, they do pansori. Song-hwa sings and Dong-ho drums for her, resolving their deepest sorrow. When the morning arrives, Dong-ho and Song-hwa part one another without words. Song-hwa takes off with a girl guiding her way.

